Arianna Huffington at a Podium by Pete Wright |
I’m meeting with fellow ‘Blogaphiliac’ Arianna Huffington in her lovely home. Of course, she wants to discuss Blogs—hers in particular. I’m so up for the conversation; I have to contain my excitement.
Arianna gives me a tour of her home. Expensive
tsatkes adorn her spacious living room. “Do you think she purchased them with her blog income,” a question I’m dying to ask?
My eyes focus on a table full of photos across the room; the photos feature my host gazing lovingly at objects I can’t make out; I assume the ‘objects’ are family members.
“Arianna” I ask, “they must be photos of you with your lovely daughters—you all look so happy!"
“No, no Sage,” Arianna interrupts, “they’re photos of me with My Darling Blog, The Huffington Post; I only pose with My Blog, dear.” “Well, Your Blog suits you,” I declare—“so radiant you both are!”