Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blogaphiliacs: Sage and Arianna Discuss All Things Blog.....

Arianna Huffington at a Podium by Pete Wright
I’m meeting with fellow ‘Blogaphiliac’ Arianna Huffington in her lovely home. Of course, she wants to discuss Blogs—hers in particular.  I’m so up for the conversation; I have to contain my excitement.

Arianna gives me a tour of her home. Expensive tsatkes adorn her spacious living room.  “Do you think she purchased them with her blog income,” a question I’m dying to ask?

My eyes focus on a table full of photos across the room; the photos feature my host gazing lovingly at objects I can’t make out; I assume the ‘objects’ are family members.

“Arianna” I ask, “they must be photos of you with your lovely daughters—you all look so happy!"

“No, no Sage,” Arianna interrupts, “they’re photos of me with My Darling Blog, The Huffington Post; I only pose with My Blog, dear.”  “Well, Your Blog suits you,” I declare—“so radiant you both are!”

“Sagie”—my new nickname—“What do you really love about The Huffington Post,” she asks?

I jump at the chance to respond: “I love the morning headlines; they are sensational!” “Really,” she’s kvelling.  I reel off my favorites:  Christine O’Donnell says She’ll Stop the Whole Country from Having Sex; Mutilation of Afghans for Fun; 240,000 Jobs Set to Vanish this Week.  These are terrific headlines to wake up to!” 

“Sensational, Sagie—I am delighted to know that my editors are doing such a good job,” Arianna is ecstatic; in unison, we agree that this is one productive visit.

 “What other feedback do you have about My Darling Blog, Sagie?” 

Without hesitation, I shift the topic to that poor mishuggeneh Lindsey Lohan.  “Blogianna—my new nickname for Arianna—why the big tsumis over that poor girl?"  She goes to jail; she leaves jail, and she drinks too much--Nu?"   Silence—clearly it's not the critique our Blogianna wants to hear.

Concerned about appearing too negative, I shift the conversation to what works—Ashton, Demi and Sara. “Ashton cheating on Demi, Demi in a bikini and Sara Palin in shorts—now that's interesting!"

“I learn a lot from Your Blog," I add.  For instance, who knew that someone could contract throat cancer through mouth shtuping—now that’s a tragedy of big proportion!"

“Let’s not go there, Sagie” insists Blogianna.  I respond reassuringly: “Look, all I’m saying is that I’m more informed now, and I appreciate that.”

Unfortunately our Blog-fest ends; I'm look forward to nurturing our budding blog-ship.

As I exit the front door, I yell out, “next time honey, you’ll visit me in my Shtetl; you’ll fall in love with my Russian antiques!”


Yiddish/Yinglish                                                             English
-Mishuggeneh                                                                  -Crazy person
-Tsatkes                                                                          -Trinkets
-Shtup                                                                             -Oral Sex
-Shtetl                                                                             -Village or suburbs
-Kvelling                                                                          -Beaming with pride
-Tsumis                                                                            -Big deal

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